by Camping Kip | Mar 16, 2021 | Builder
Aqua Nova A truly magnificent builder that is brining a modern style to the wasteland that has never been seen before. That is a common description that is often ascribed to the builder known as Aqua Nova. One of the more active builders in the wasteland, Aqua Nova...
by Aqua Nova | Mar 4, 2021 | Aqua Nova, Build, Cliff, Fallout 76, Forest, House, Modern, View
LIGHTVIEW RIDGE – 2ND VERSION Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: CRANBERRY BOG LIGHTVIEW RIDGE This warm and illuminated home by Aqua Nova is made that much brighter by the fact that it hangs off of a ridge that is facing a strange in-land lighthouse....
by Jollyny | Mar 2, 2021 | Build, Fallout 76, Jollyny, Lounge, Restaurant & Bar, Savage Divide, Shelter
STOP BEFORE THE TOP CAFETERIA Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: VAULT LOBBY SHELTER Watoga Biological Sciences Center Stumbling into The Stop Before The Top Cafeteria you would be flabbergasted to discover that this nice and well-maintained establishment is built...
by Jollyny | Mar 1, 2021 | Build, Fallout 76, Jollyny, Junky, Raider, Store
THE STOP BEFORE THE TOP Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: SAVAGE DIVIDE THE STOP BEFORE THE TOP Travelling around the Top the World but got no place stay when you have finally arrived on this hell of a mountain? Well we got ya covered! Welcome to The Stop Before...
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