Poster for Palmer Village Fallout 76 camp build.

Palmer Village

Build Name

Logo for Palmer Village Fallout 76 camp build.



Palmer Village

Palmer Village

Complete with a cozy cabin, garden plot, livestock, junk dog, an auspicious outdoor laboratory, guard towers and a small trading post, Nick quickly took to calling his home Palmer Village, so as to attract other homesteaders to both commerce and good company.

Palmer Camp

A humble outpost of Palmer Village situated in the more volatile part of the map, and it serves as a shipping hub for any and all goods sold by Palmer Village. Palmer Camp is a nice little getaway to see a nuclear lightshow in the Savage Divide. Tended to by the nice settler lady who plays the gee-tar.

Palmer Fun Hole

Deep within the now-defunct mineshaft, he set out to create a carnival of both wonder and madness, a festive neon debauchery that seems to relish and thrive in its own chaos. Featuring arcade games, tasty concessions and even a discreet chem den for our more worldly patrons, the Palmer Village Fun Hole TM is your destination for fun! Further down the mine, however… well, who knows what lies down there?

Palmer Speakeasy

Deeper down in the mineshaft will lead you to Palmer Speakeasy. A quaint but elegant establishment meant to offer an upscale experience to even the lowliest wastelander.



Poster for Fallout 76 builder Nick Palmer.

Nick Palmer

A recently released denizen of Vault 76, Nick has always aspired to set his mark upon the wasteland. The son of a humble coal miner and Vault-Tec administrator, he was raised with all the comforts he could want, but longed for a more rigorous life outside of the cold steel walls of his home.



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