Aqua Nova

A truly magnificent builder that is brining a modern style to the wasteland that has never been seen before. That is a common description that is often ascribed to the builder known as Aqua Nova.

One of the more active builders in the wasteland, Aqua Nova emerged on the scene around the same time as most other wastelanders began returning to the Appalacian region. She has a very sweet and gentle demeanor to her reports those who have interacted with her out in the wild. But in a stark contrast, her builds are often very daring and bold. Aqua Nova takes standard building conventions and turns them on their head by using materials in unconventional ways.

Little is known of her background or her intentions. She is a very nice, but extremely private builder that is doing more than her fair share at rebuilding the wasteland.

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Builds by this Builder

Roots Deep

Roots Deep

An underground cave with exposed roots gave Aqua Nova a great idea for a new home in Skyline Valley.

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