Build Name

Watoga Biological Sciences Center
The Starshade is back in its fifth configuration! This spectacle of a build that draws crowds from around the wasteland has landing once again from Onyx Nightshade. There is no better term than to refer to it as a wasteland spaceship that hovers over a lake deep in the Savage Divide region, just south of the Settlers at Foundation.
Onyx Nightshade
A truly unique builder whose creations often defy the agreed upon laws of physics. Many speculate she is of extreterrestrial orgin.
Other Builds by this Builder
Starshade Officers Lounge
Even the most advanced sailors need a place to unwind and meet.
...Starshade MkII
Hovering over a river just southeast of Vault 76 is a strange and unusual sight.
...Starshade MkIV
Onyx Nightshade shows off her extraterrestrial ability in building with this iteration of the Starshade.
...Stargate Station
A curious installation hangs upon the remains of the old suspended train rail.
...Other Builds by Other Builders
Cyberpunk Street Shelter
Deep underground Darth Xion creates a bunker build with a dystopian future feel.
...Crashed Plane Camp
In the remains of an old flying fortress from before the great war lies a wasteland abode.
...Langskip Ragnbjorg
The first documentary crew of the wasteland tells the history of the Vikings in the worst way possible.
...Lightview Ridge
Perched across the valley from a strange in-land lighthouse this home shines brighter.
...High Grade Hills
The remnants of the city of Sanctuary in the Commonwealth of Boston get a higher standard of living.
...The Stop Before The Top
An inviting, yet dangerous, shop that sits just at the base of the mountain that holds the famous Top of the World.
Salem Island Homestead
A fortified island off the coast of the remains of Boston that is home to an ex-Forest Ranger and his wife.
...Blue Doggie Motel at Red Rocket
A quaint motel built next to an old defunct Red Rocket Coolant station.
...Starshade MkII
Hovering over a river just southeast of Vault 76 is a strange and unusual sight.