Build Name

Langskip Ragnbjorg
Wasted History presents The Vikings. This is the story of the seafaring bandits known as the Vikings as told by the first documentary crew of the wasteland, Wasted History. Wasted History is the docu-series hosted and ran by charitable builder and history aficionado Cookie Dough. The show is spectacle of failure and constant fumbling, often by the crew of the show. The greatest entertainment you can expect to receive from watching is out of a morbid interest in seeing the crash and burn.
This episode features the Langskip Ragnbjorg, a true life Viking ship replica constructed by Cookie Dough herself. This ship is mysteriously hovered over the grounds of the old Whitesprings Resort and has become quite the tourist attraction to the locals. If anything good can come out of an episode of Wasted History, this construction would be it.
Featuring the Waggish Crew of the HMS Art.
Cookie Dough
A charitable builder who spends the majority of her time building for others and who is also a famous history buff.
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The Wastleand Construction Company hosts a myriad of spectacular events throughout the wasteland during the year to offer the good people of the wasteland some good ol' fashioned family fun to distract from the dangers of every day life.Â