Build Name

Walking through the forest you will come upon this nice, serene cabin. You may think to yourself that this looks like a nice place to spend the night, or even to make a permanent home. But after a short stay you will soon discover that your decision was wrong because this cabin is a construction of the murderous Cursed The Trapper of the Vultures!
All aspects of this cabin are carefully trapped in order to give the occupant of this cabin a continuous stream of torture that will eventually lead to death.
So if you do come upon this peaceful looking cabin, be sure to steer clear of it because the only rest that it offers is a permanent one.
Cursed The Trapper
A raider ghoul that loves to trap unsuspecting wastelanders in order to secure any good they are carrying with a tragic story.
Other Builds by this Builder
The Deadpot Homestead
This inviting home is anything but, especially when you decide to prepare a meal.
...The Cursed Cabin
A peaceful looking cabin in the woods that you can retire to, but looks can be deceiving.
...Central Slave Market
An underground den of evil, the Central Slave Market serves the worst of the wasteland.
...Curse’s Last Stop
A sinister rest stop that advertises that it is the last stop you will ever need to make.
...Wendigo Market
A truly bizarre and confusing underground market that is only selling death.
...Other Builds by Other Builders
Mothlight Funeral Parlor
Deep in the forest lies a seemingly innocent funeral parlor but there is something dark amiss here…
...Over Bridge Build
Spikester created a structure that sits overtop a bridge and allows protected passage underneath.
...Sushi Atomikku
A Japanese sushi restaurant in the wasteland with suspect sushi and even sketchier advertising.
...Feldspar Dwelling
Sitting atop a rock outcropping is a unique build that carries all the hallmarks of an Aqua Nova build.
...Chatham Desalination
An old desalination plant that Kofi discovered off the coast of Warwick Homestead with an unfortunate but famous resi...
Salem Island Homestead
A fortified island off the coast of the remains of Boston that is home to an ex-Forest Ranger and his wife.
...Blue Doggie Motel at Red Rocket
A quaint motel built next to an old defunct Red Rocket Coolant station.
...BreakDown Roadside Stop
An exceptional roadside find near the Whitesprings Resort led to a bustling roadside attraction for all wastelanders....
Palmer Village
An old lean-to led to the building of an ever-expanding village near Vault 76.
...Summersville Gun Shop
Just outside of Summersville sits a well stocked store and house combination build.
...Starshade MkIV
Onyx Nightshade shows off her extraterrestrial ability in building with this iteration of the Starshade.