by Spikester | Oct 21, 2020 | Build, Fallout 76, House, Modern, Savage Divide, Spikester, Water
SPIKESTER MODERN HOUSE Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: SAVAGE DIVIDE WENDIGO MARKET Sitting atop a running river in the Savage Divide, just southeast of the Whitespring Resort is a modern house marvel designed and constructed by Spikester. This house features a...
by Onyx Nightshade | Oct 5, 2020 | Build, Extraterrestrial, Fallout 76, Floating, Futuristic, Onyx Nightshade, Savage Divide
STARSHADE MKV Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: SAVAGE DIVIDE Watoga Biological Sciences Center The Starshade is back in its fifth configuration! This spectacle of a build that draws crowds from around the wasteland has landing once again from Onyx Nightshade....
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