by Jollyny | Mar 2, 2021 | Build, Fallout 76, Jollyny, Lounge, Restaurant & Bar, Savage Divide, Shelter
STOP BEFORE THE TOP CAFETERIA Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: VAULT LOBBY SHELTER Watoga Biological Sciences Center Stumbling into The Stop Before The Top Cafeteria you would be flabbergasted to discover that this nice and well-maintained establishment is built...
by Onyx Nightshade | Dec 1, 2020 | Build, Extraterrestrial, Fallout 76, Futuristic, Lounge, Onyx Nightshade, Restaurant & Bar, Shelter
STARSHADE OFFICERS LOUNGE Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: FOREST STARSHADE OFFICERS LOUNGE The Starshade is a, for lack of any better word or description, a spaceship that has baffled the local wastelanders for months when it appears hovering over the ground in...
by High Grade Jay | Apr 8, 2016 | Bowling Alley, Build, Clinic, Fallout 4, Funeral, High Grade Jay, House, Institute, Lounge, Restaurant & Bar, Sanctuary Hills, Store, Town
HIGH GRADE HILLS Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 4 LOCATION: SANCTUARY HILLS WATERBORN Sanctuary Hills use to be a utopia of suburban life before the bombs dropped but was levelled quite extensively afterwards due to its proximity to the nuclear fallout. Its former glory all...
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