by Darth Xion | Dec 6, 2020 | Build, Bunker, Darth Xion, Fallout 76, Futuristic, Shelter
CYBERPUNK STREET SHELTER Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: UTILITY SHELTER CYBERPUNK STREET SHELTER Deep within the deep, master wasteland builder Xion has created a bunker that is a full city smashed into a small utility room. The city offers everything a...
by Onyx Nightshade | Dec 1, 2020 | Build, Extraterrestrial, Fallout 76, Futuristic, Lounge, Onyx Nightshade, Restaurant & Bar, Shelter
STARSHADE OFFICERS LOUNGE Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: FOREST STARSHADE OFFICERS LOUNGE The Starshade is a, for lack of any better word or description, a spaceship that has baffled the local wastelanders for months when it appears hovering over the ground in...
by Onyx Nightshade | Nov 2, 2020 | Build, Extraterrestrial, Fallout 76, Futuristic, Hanging, Onyx Nightshade, Research Base, Savage Divide
STARGATE STATION Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: SAVAGE DIVIDE STARGATE STATION Walking under the old remains of the elevated train in the region commonly referred to as the Savage Divide you will come upon a peculiar structure suspended from one of the decaying...
by Onyx Nightshade | Oct 5, 2020 | Build, Extraterrestrial, Fallout 76, Floating, Futuristic, Onyx Nightshade, Savage Divide
STARSHADE MKV Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: SAVAGE DIVIDE Watoga Biological Sciences Center The Starshade is back in its fifth configuration! This spectacle of a build that draws crowds from around the wasteland has landing once again from Onyx Nightshade....
by Onyx Nightshade | Sep 13, 2020 | Build, Extraterrestrial, Fallout 76, Floating, Forest, Futuristic, Onyx Nightshade
STARSHADE MKIV Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: FOREST STARSHADE MKIV Onyx Nightshade once again shows off her extraterrestrial ability in creating builds that are literally out of this world with this new iteration of the Starshade spaceship. This version,...
by Onyx Nightshade | Sep 13, 2020 | Build, Extraterrestrial, Fallout 76, Floating, Forest, Futuristic, Onyx Nightshade
STARSHADE MKII Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: FOREST STARSHADE MKII The MkII of the Starshade appears to be somewhat of a freighter style starship that usually docks near the Wayward just SE of Vault 76. We are unsure if there is some sort of freight agreement...
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