by Dumplin Head | Apr 1, 2021 | Build, Dumplin Head, Fallout 76, Forest, Funeral, Halloween, Mothman
MOTH LIGHT FUNERAL PARLOR Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: FOREST MOTH LIGHT FUNERAL PARLOR Deep in the forest lies a funeral parlor with a menacing edginess to it. Advertising that dying is easy but burial is not, the Moth Light Funeral Parlor seems like a...
by Aqua Nova | Mar 4, 2021 | Aqua Nova, Build, Cliff, Fallout 76, Forest, House, Modern, View
LIGHTVIEW RIDGE – 2ND VERSION Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: CRANBERRY BOG LIGHTVIEW RIDGE This warm and illuminated home by Aqua Nova is made that much brighter by the fact that it hangs off of a ridge that is facing a strange in-land lighthouse....
by Darth Xion | Dec 13, 2020 | Build, Darth Xion, Fallout 76, Forest, Store
THE SUMMERSVILLE GUN SHOP Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: FOREST THE SUMMERSVILLE GUN SHOP If there is one thing that the modern day wastelander needs, its guns. This is why this strategically placed combination of gun shop, house, and greenhouse is so often...
by Cursed The Trapper | Nov 29, 2020 | Build, Cursed The Trapper, Fallout 76, Forest, House, Trap
DEADPOT HOMESTEAD Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: FOREST DEADPOT HOMESTEAD One of the staples of the builds of Cursed The Trapper is his propensity for succombing his visitors to an excruciating and slow death. This build, The Deadpot Homestead, continues with...
by Onyx Nightshade | Sep 13, 2020 | Build, Extraterrestrial, Fallout 76, Floating, Forest, Futuristic, Onyx Nightshade
STARSHADE MKIV Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: FOREST STARSHADE MKIV Onyx Nightshade once again shows off her extraterrestrial ability in creating builds that are literally out of this world with this new iteration of the Starshade spaceship. This version,...
by Onyx Nightshade | Sep 13, 2020 | Build, Extraterrestrial, Fallout 76, Floating, Forest, Futuristic, Onyx Nightshade
STARSHADE MKII Build Name GAME: FALLOUT 76 LOCATION: FOREST STARSHADE MKII The MkII of the Starshade appears to be somewhat of a freighter style starship that usually docks near the Wayward just SE of Vault 76. We are unsure if there is some sort of freight agreement...
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