Baked Potatie

Baked Potatie

Baked Potatie Wandering around the wasteland you may run into a jovial, sweet soul with a very laid back disposition, named only Baked Potatie. Little is known about Tater's (as she is affectionately called by her friends) past. It is rumored that she was a 5 star...


KribZ KribZ, as he is known, was built for wasteland living long before the great war. It is told that before the fallout of the war KribZ was a prominent up cycler, meaning he was an expert at taking discarded goods and turning them into something new and useful....
Kofi Carter

Kofi Carter

Kofi Carter Kofi Carter started out in the region of New Vegas after having lost his memory in a shooting, where a local doctor helped him and provided him with something called a pipboy from his time in a vault. During Kofi’s travels he helped the local group...
Cookie Dough

Cookie Dough

Cookie Dough Cookie Dough arrived in Appalachia a year after The Great War. She was on her own and had to learn the ways of the wasteland. Over time she met other wastelanders like herself and made a group of friends. On the surface she's a bit of a tough cookie and...


NukaMegs Megs was only 6 when she entered Vault 76. She lived a very sheltered life before the bombs dropped. Her Mother was a model before Megs was born. Her campaigns for Nuka Cola covered the walls of the trophy room in their home. She had also done work for...
Daka The Wanderer

Daka The Wanderer

Daka The Wanderer There isn't much known about the travelling builder called Daka the Wanderer. Those who have encountered her at length remark about how kind and polite she is, and that they think that she is originally from Australia, or at least she talks like it....